1999 Paper 1 1. Calcium channel blockers. mention their members, pharmacological actions, therapeutic uses
and adverse effects.
2. Discuss mechanisms of actions of different groups of bronchodilators.
3. H-receptors blockers: pharmacological actions, therapeutic uses and precautions, giving
4. Pencillins: mechanism of action and classification.
5. Benzodiazepins: mechanism of action and therapeutic uses.
6. Discuss drug therapy of gastro-esophageal reflux disease.
7. Glucocorticoids: therapeutic uses and adverse effects.
8. Oral anticoagulants: mechanism of action and drug interactions.
Paper II: 1. The Characteristics of lipid soluble are and
2. The significance of plasma protein binding include
3. The plasma half-life is defined as its importance is
4. Adverse effects of captopril are
5. Adverse reactions of oral contraceptive pills are
6. Enumerate ovulation including agents.
7. Therapeutic uses of chloroquine.
8. Metronidazole (flagyl 1): Therapeutic uses.
9. Mention two alpha 1 adrenergic agonists and two alpha 2 adrenergic agonists.
10. Mention four therapeutic uses of B-blockers.
11. Mention four adverse effects of methyldopa.
12. Mention four therapeutic uses of epinephrine.
13. Mention adverse reactions of insulin.
14. Treatment of thyroid storm.
15. Therapeutic uses of acetazolamide.
16. Refractory edema can be treated by
17. Adverse effects of succinyl choline.
18. Two therapeutic uses and two adverse effects of carbamzepin.
19. Adverse effects of tricyclic antidepressant.
20. General guide lines for antiepileptic drug therapy.